About Us

invariably Hi,  Welcome to the About Us page at the Amahai Scubahappy.com website. I started Scubahappy.com because it was so difficult to find the dive equipment I needed on the Internet.  I was always worried about getting inferior products and dealing with the hassle of sending them back.  Gaining considerable experience over the past 20 years and logging over 1500 dives, I have been in your shoes and during my years as a SSI Diving Instructor (Dive Control Master), I have seen the dive equipment and divers supply, change with the new technology advancements, from scuba wetsuits, dive mask and swim fins, becoming more effective and easier to use every year.  I have kept up with the changes in the manufacturing of scuba tanks and scuba regulators and all other divers supply. The regulators are safer now than ever before and with the scuba tanks and Nitrox gas mixing  you can stay down longer, safely with the proper instruction.  My valuable experience and knowledge will be available to  help you choose the correct dive equipment for your needs. Dive equipment today is so easy to use when compared to divers supply of the past.  In today’s fast paced world of quick and cheap, we will continue to deliver a superior level of quality dive equipment. We will also help you get the best price and value for your hard earned money. Thank You,  Gregory Pierce. Very Scubahappy to meet you. 🙂       [slideshow_deploy id=’893′]

Scuba diving equipment and scuba gear at HouseofScuba.com

Survival Center LLC


Happy Diving